Could housing co-ops be a way for homelessness and houselessness to be reduced? Housing co-operatives could help to eradicate houselessness and homelessness, potentially. With seven billion humans on Earth, …
Phuro Innovations is an Indian company created to bring together the future makers of nations for a collective effort for global peace. Founded by Rachna Sharma in June 2019, …
Autonomous cars will benefit humanity. Autonomous cars will most likely benefit most all humans significantly over the long run. It will be good when autonomous cars are common and …
Try to learn about self defense; it can be quite useful to do so potentially. Needing to know about self defense is unlikely for most individuals on Earth. Try …
Go to a gym regularly. It can be a home gym or a at a commercial gym. Having a home gym can be quite wonderful. Lifting weights can be …
This is about how to create a decentralized autonomous organization. Decentralized autonomous organizations are an emerging form of social construct that are now enabled through the developments of cryptocurrencies …
Whether or not Jesus literally resurrected from the dead, the idea of resurrection (and that death is ultimately illusory if humans can be resurrected) is the important part that …
When people claim they themself have a psychiatric disability they are medicalizing their own misery, problems in living, lack of social skills, and so forth. When people do this …
Is there a burden on society to “protect” adults who are planning to end their own life on Earth? That burden is manufactured and morally deficient. That burden probably …
An adult who wants to engage in suicide only needs to be hospitalized if they want to be hospitalized. Nonconsensual psychiatry and psychiatric coercion should be illegal. Read the …